provide a
play-based program while making systematic efforts to promote the
learning of academic and social skills.
Monday through Friday
9:00am until 12:00pm
Kindergarten Enrichment 12:00-3:00pm
is offered on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Gymnasium or playground occurs daily.
Enrichment Program offered for 5 year olds on M/W/F;
Busing to & from Fayetteville-Manlius schools is available for
Playschool follows the Fayetteville-Manlius school calendar for all holidays and vacations, including snow days.
Our program promotes independence, group and personal responsibility. We offer a warm and nurturing atmosphere where the children are taught to be respectful of themselves and others, as well as the materials and playthings they interact with each day.
We take several field trips throughout the school year. The fire station, the Civic Center, the Senior Citizens Center during the Thanksgiving holiday, pumpkin pickin', the fish hatchery and the MOST are some of the places PlaySchool children have explored and experienced.