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Mission Support Appalachia Trip Missionaries Rebecca Baier


   First Baptist Church of Manlius carries out its mission work primarily through the mission channels of the American Baptist Churches, USA.  It also participates in several local missions and ministries.  The "official" body of the church that implements the mission program is the Board of Missions.  The board seeks to increase the mission interest and giving to the total work of the American Baptist Churches, USA and appropriate local mission endeavors by:

promoting the financial support of mission,

educating the congregation about mission work,

supporting and promoting the involvement of the
congregation in mission projects.


ABC -USALogo2x2.jpg (10662 bytes) American Baptist worldwide mission work is a response to Christ's call to "make disciples of all nations."   Through the efforts of our missionaries in partnership with others, ministries of evangelism, healing, education and development have made Christ's love known in the U.S. and around the world.




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Last modified:07/04/2001