Meeting – Tuesday, December 10th, 7:00 p.m. - Chapel. Program:
Angel Song, a trio from the Master’s Touch Chorale. Fruit breads will
be distributed to our shut-ins after the program. Come, bring a friend,
and a LOVE GIFT. All are invited for a very special program. Committee:
Sally Lyon, Carol Beckwith, and Debbie Oley.
ABW Ministries – needs $250.00 to reach
its goal for the Congo. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.
UNITY FELLOWSHIP - December meeting
of the Unity Fellowship will be a New Year’s Eve Party, Tuesday, December
31st, starting at 6:30 p.m. Appetizers in the library. Dinner
will follow at 7:15 p.m. in the Chapel. Committee: Mapstone,
Richardson, Ware, and Ammann. Margaret Vermilya is in charge of games.
All are welcome.
Care Packages – On Friday, December
6th, all youth will be assembling “care packages” for our college students
to help them through finals. If you wish to contribute to these packages,
please feel free to do so. Suggested items (not limited to) are instant
soups, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, hot cereal packets, candy, gum, hi-liters,
index cards. We will be baking cookies and brownies to enclose.
We’ll need shoe boxes to fill. Notes from our church family would be
appreciated and money to cover postage appreciated also. If you have
any questions or donations, please call Kathie Shevchuk. Thank you!
having a bake sale on Sunday, December 15th, after the worship service.
Proceeds are to benefit Playschool field trips. Donations will be gladly
accepted. Please call Debbie Oley with any questions.
HAND–IN-HAND - Hand-In-Hand will be
collecting new and used hats, gloves, mittens and scarves to redistribute
to individuals in the Greater Syracuse Area who are in need of these essential
winter accessories beginning in November until February. A basket will
be in the Narthex and in the Chapel entrances. Thank you for your contributions
to this worthwhile cause. Last year over 5,000 items were collected
and First Baptist was a major contributor.
CHILDRENS’ VIDEOS - There are new videos
available at First Baptist! They are: #53 – Veggie Tales:
“The Star of Christmas”; #81 – Larryboy – “Introducing the Alchemist! In.
. .”Leggo My Ego”; #82 – God Rocks! – “Ten Rockin’ Rules or . . . Walkin’
Up is Hard to Do”. Come and sign them out in the Church Office!
Choir, the Kindergarten and the Nursery Classes plus other Sunday School children
will present a Nativity Play called “There Was One Who Gave a Lamb: for the
Sunday School Christmas Program on Sunday, December 15th at 6:00 p.m.
A Soup and Sandwich Supper will follow the program in the gym. Please
bring your own sandwiches for your family. Soup, beverage and dessert
will be served by the Christian Education Board.
BLOODMOBILE - The Bloodmobile was held
Wednesday, November 13th from 1:30-6:30 p.m., and it was a big success!
Our quota for the drive was 60 pints; we collected 61 pints. I wish
to thank those who helped with the calling: Laurel Faucett, Ken Bex, Carole
Guynup, Jessie Mapstone, Dottie Ammann, Myrna Stasiw, Gail Miller and myself.
I also want to thank Erman and Laura Ferris, who donated the deli meat
for the sandwiches we provided to the workers. Thanks to Carole and
Colleen Guynup and Ken Bex for working many hours during the blood drive.
We surpassed our goal!
--Shirley Mapstone
“Praise for Progress in Prague”
Wesley and Cheryl Brown, IM missionaries to Prague, Czech Republic, are
thrilled that the International Baptist Theological Seminary (IBTS) there
opened its 2002-2003 academic year with the largest entering class in the
seminary’s 53-year history. Fort-six new students have come from a
number of countries, including Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany,
Hungary, Israel, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Ukraine
and the United States of America. More than half are enrolled in the
Master of Theology and Ph.D. programs. Twenty-one students are working
on their nine-month Certificate in Applied Theology.
Cheryl, who is the Director of Biblical Studies, and Wes, who is the Chaplain,
enthusiastically reported:
What an exciting beginning we’ve had!
In chapel, our praise or prayer may be heard in 10 to 12 languages!
We sense the Holy Spirit working powerfully in our midst as we study, pray,
learn about each other’s pilgrimages, and share about the ministries in which
many are already involved.
--excerpt taken from November 2002 International Ministries Update
Grace Chege spent August and September in her home country of Kenya.
She gave up her job and apartment here in order to be with her husband, his
aging mother, and youngest daughter after 5 years of separation. Life in Nairobi
is very precarious. Doors are double-bolted shut at 7:00 p.m. and no
one leaves the house. The family sits in a circle and prays for a night
of safety and rest. The government is very corrupt. While our political
candidates here were blasting each other with epithets, their politicians
were blasting each other with gunfire even going into the churches to do
Returning to the U.S. in October, Grace returned to her nurse-aide work
but at no regular hours. She is called by both Alterra homes (Clare
Bridge in Fayetteville and Wynwood in Manlius) and is sought after by both.
She often works double schedules, which leaves little time for sleep and meals.
Her car spends more time in a repair shop than it does on the road, so grace
has had to call on many for help in transportation.
Her life still is not easy but she has a praise. She will be moving
into her own apartment on December 1st.
If anyone is familiar with AT&T overseas calling cards which, for reasons
unknown, do not work in my system, please call Grace at my number and explain
it to her (*see paragraph below). She thanks and appreciates everyone
who has helped her with her many problems in the past and at the present time.
In my humble opinion Jeff Loope deserves a ‘special star in his crown.’
*She has done all the paperwork for the U.S. Embassy in Kenya in hopes that
her husband and daughter might come for a visit in the not-too-distant future.
Pray that this might come about.
--Margaret Vermilya
We commit, O Lord, to you, our hearts to be silent, our ears
to be heaven bent like the wise men as they went.
Send us peace, peace on earth, the kind you brought at our Savior’s
Send us joy, good tidings of great joy, which came even to a shepherd
Send us love, love’s pure light, from angels on this silent night.
Send us Christ, Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The baby born, to pay the price of sins so great for us so small starting
in a cattle stall, going to a cross so tall, giving new life to all who hear
your call.
--excerpt taken from a First Baptist Church of Manlius bulletin, Christmas
Eve 1998.
Friday, December 13th, 6:30 p.m. there will be caroling for all ages.
We will meet at First Baptist Church and begin the outside caroling around
6:45 p.m. We will meet back at Church for Hot Cocoa. It should
be ending around 8:30 p.m. Come, have fun, and help spread the Christmas
Wednesday, December 4th, 5:30-7:00 p.m. there will be a Family Craft Night.
Children and family members move from table to table in the gym creating crafts
to take home for themselves or give as gifts. Bring a friend!
First Baptist Church Christmas Eve Services are as follows:
5:00 p.m., 7:30, and 11:00 p.m.
Rev. John Buskey will be preaching at these services and the entire month
of December.
Rev. Bob Reed needs used winter coats for his jail ministry. Please
bring the coats to the Church office, and Rev. Reed will pick them up there.
Thank You!
Thank you to all who donated Operation Christmas Child boxes or who gave
money for the mailing. I delivered 46 boxes of which 15 came from Delphi
United Church. Thank you for your support. – Colleen Guynup
$1,036.00 was the total collected from First Baptist Church for the Crop
Walk – Congratulations!! Thank you to Ruth Ware for organizing this
“I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because
He judged me faithful and appointed me to His service.”
These words from 1 Timothy 1:12 could easily express the gratitude retired
American Baptist ministers and missionaries feel for their calling and lifework.
For many, their sense of vocation is so strong that they have found ways to
serve well into retirement. As one retired minister wrote, “With 55
years in ABC ministry, I can say I have been blessed far more than my ministry
has blessed any congregation. If God were to grant me the privilege
of living 1,000 times on this planet, I’d beg to be a pastor each time.”